4 Beauty Benefits of Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum Jelly is one of those things that are amazingly cheap and readily available. But are you aware of all the beauty benefits it can give you which you can take advantage of? Read on to know just what you can get from having one small jar of this inexpensive yet wonderful beauty product in your bag.

1. It can soften your skin. I have mentioned in a previous post that applying petroleum jelly on your feet before you sleep and then wearing socks to seal it in is an effective way to have smooth and soft feet. You can also apply it on your hands regularly before or after doing manual work like cleaning or typing.

2. It’s a great moisturizer. Petroleum jelly is safe to use as a moisturizer on all skin types because it contains no chemicals or harmful substances whatsoever.

3. It’s great for chapped lips! No need to buy expensive lip moisturizers and lip gloss as long as you have your little trusty jar of petroleum jelly on your bag.

4. It’s a straight-up, no frills makeup remover. Just dab some of the jelly on areas with makeup then gently wipe with tissue or cotton.

I’m sure there are a lot more things petroleum jelly can do. Care to share your knowledge? ๐Ÿ™‚

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Want to have smooth and pretty feet?

Our feet are one of the most abused parts of the body. Taking special care of them is very important to make sure they stay soft and beautiful because no one finds rough looking and scaly feet attractive. However, in the hustle and bustle of life, itโ€™s easy to forget to take proper care of our feet. If yours are in rough and unattractive conditions right now, here are some basic but surefire methods you can do every day to make sure your feet are as soft, smooth, and amazingly supple as can be.

Pumice Stone/Loofah

Regular gentle scrubbing using a pumice stone is a great way to remove dead skin cells and calluses in the feet. Pumice stones come in many shapes and sizes so you can choose what best works for your feet. The good thing about pumice stone is you can use it on either wet or dry feet. Just remember to rub gently and not too hard if your feet are very dry or cracked. Also, do not attempt to make your feet perfectly smooth during the first day because you may take off too much skin. Using a loofah as an alternative is also great for light exfoliation.

Foot Soak

Soaking your feet occasionally in a softening solution is one of the best ways you can smoothen them. One method is to fill a tub with warm water and some dissolved bath salts and soak your feet in the mixture for about 15 minutes. You can also try the milk, lemon juice and honey solution. Milk is a great softening product; lemon is good for exfoliation, while honey helps in combating any odor. Mix these three ingredients with water and soak your feet in the mixture for about 15 minutes.


Remember that our feet need as much moisturizing as the rest of our bodies. There are many ways you can moisturize your feet. One is to rub a good foot cream on it and massage it gently from toes to ankle. You can also apply petroleum jelly or foot lotion on your feet before you sleep. Cover your feet with socks to seal in the moisture and to ensure soft and smooth feet the next day. You can also apply baby oil on your feet and then wrap them with plastic.

Wearing Socks and Shoes

Walking often in barefoot can damage your feet. It is better to wear slippers when at home to make sure your feet do not become scaly. When you go out, try to wear shoes and socks as much as possible to protect it from dirt and dust.

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