Healthy Dieting

I have been working out with a personal trainer for the past 8 months. I started off 1 day per week and increased it to 2. While my actual weight is not changing I do notice that my clothes are fitting me better. I try to avoid my scale at all costs. I even put it into my garage so I would not be tempted to jump on. The mark I use now is not a numeral but the way I look and feel in my own skin and in my clothing. WHile exercise is important one watching their weight cannot avoid the “diet”. That four letter word that we all hate.

A healthy diet is an important part of any fitness plan. To help you in your weight loss and goals for fitness I came across this handy chart to help aid you in determining how and what you should be eating.


A healthy nutritional balanced diet is also key to losing weight.  Following a clear chart for dieting showing the amount of simple carbs to complex carbs and everything in between can keep you on track for losing weight.  There are six primary categories food is assigned too:  Complex Carbohydrates (starches and fiber), High Quality Protein, Non Starch Vegetables, Simple Carbohydrates, Milk/Soy, Fats and Water.


We all hate diets, but following this chart seems to be a great way to improving weight loss and becoming a thinner, healthier you!

Flash crashing on your mac?

Flash Crashing your Mac? This has been going on for me too. For the past few days everytime I open a page heavy in flash content the page crashes my system. It doesnt matter what browser I am using. From what I have read online, there seems to be a war between Adobe and Apple. Apple does not allow nor will it make flash available on the iPhone. Adobe seems to be quite unhappy with that and there seems to be some “bug” someplace (probably created by Adobe) just to **** Apple and Apple users off and make themselves noticed. Maybe they are making a statement that their Flash presence is such an integral part of the online world that they want to be the first to bring flash to handheld communications? Not sure, but what I do know is that it is going to not only hurt Adobe and Apple, but all the people who are struggling in this economy trying to make ends meet that use both these products on a daily basis to make money! We are the ones that keep you guys in business and you are hurting all of us. Take the politics out of this and figure a way to work together.

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