Some Shampoo and Conditioner Tips

To achieve the most gorgeous tresses your side of town, here are some expert-given tips on shampooing and conditioning your hair:

1. Don’t shampoo every day, but do conditioner every day. Unless you live in a much polluted city and walk in pollution every day, it’s best not to shampoo every day because shampoo tends to have strong chemicals that dry the hair. Besides, it’s a good idea to let the natural oils of your hair release itself. However, do use conditioner every day to combat the drying effects of shampoo, hair products, sunlight and pollution.

2. Don’t leave shampoo on the hair for too long. After thoroughly cleaning your scalp and hair, make sure you wash all shampoo immediately because the detergent in the suds can dry and irritate your crown.

3. Apply shampoo on the roots and conditioner on the tips. While you can condition your whole hair and clean every part with shampoo, experts say it’s best to apply shampoo only on your scalp and roots since this is the part where dirt can accumulate. Applying shampoo often on the tips of your hair can cause it to dry faster. Meanwhile, applying conditioner on your roots or scalp can induce dandruff.

What are your shampoo and conditioner tips?

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Threading as a hair removal option

Threading also called khite in Arabic and fatlah in Egyptian, is a less common method in the West for removing hair at the root, used primarily on facial hair. Rows of stray hairs are yanked out with twists of cotton thread.

Threading hair is so basic to women in the Middle East and India that it can be compared to girls learning to braid each other’s hair as children. Traditionally, threading is used on the entire face, including upper lip, chin, eyebrows, sideburns and cheeks. Most American cosmetologists are not trained in the procedure. Threading requires using a trained practitioner for removing unwanted hair temporarily.

How does Threading work?

The way threading works is that the practitioner uses a piece of regular cotton thread and through a series of twisting the thread, removes unwanted hair from the skin by entwining the hair in the thread.  The benefit of threading as a hair removal technique is that the hair can be removed at any length.  Hair re-growth usually occurs within 2-4 weeks after threading.  

How to Do Threading

The first time you have threading done, you should have it done by a practitioner.  Pay careful attention to the method the practitioner uses so you can do threading yourself.  Consider it “tuition” so you can learn how to do it yourself. 

The practitioner holds one end of the cotton thread in his or her teeth and the other in the left hand. The middle is looped through the index and middle fingers of the right hand. The practitioner then uses the loop to trap a series of unwanted hairs and pull them from the skin. There are also devices made that can hold the thread during the procedure.


1.     Using approximately 2 feet (24 inches) of thread length, take both ends of the thread and knot them to form a circle.

2.     Hold the thread with both hands, and wind it around ten times so a twist forms in the middle.  The thread will slightly resemble a bowtie.

3.     Place the thread around the index finger and the thumb on both hands.

4.     Push the wound section of the thread right and left by opening and closing your fingers simultaneously.

5.     Position the hair you want removed alongside the wound part of the thread. Simultaneously open and close your fingers on one hand to move the wound part over the hair you want removed.


The Best Areas on the Body to use Threading

Threading is most effective on smaller areas of the body where you want unwanted hair removed.  The best places to use threading for unwanted hair on the body for men and women are:

·      Eyebrows

·      Facial Hair

How Long Does  Threading Last

After using threading as a method for hair removal, expect to use threading every four weeks, when the hair grows back.  Hair may grow back lighter in color and thinner and less coarse then original hair appeared.

Pros and Cons of Threading


1.     Relatively inexpensive

2.     Neat

3.     Less painful then tweezing


1.     Sometimes difficult to find a practitioner

2.     Skin can become itchy

3.     Can cause ingrown hair

4.     May cause skin irritation/puffiness

5.     May change skin pigment


The Risks of Threading

1.     Skin irritation if you have sensitive skin

2.     May cause ingrown hair

3.     May change pigmentation of skin


Threading Tips

1.     Excellent option for those who use Retin-A, Accutane and similar products

2.     Make sure the thread is strong and made of 100% cotton

3.     When threading eyebrows, draw the desired eyebrow shape on your brow before threading

4.     Make sure you always hold the thread taut.

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Styling Your Bangs

If there’s one hairstyle that never seems to go out of fashion, it’s the bangs look. Bangs can be girly, elegant, simple, and sophisticated, depending on how you style them. If you’ve got bangs these days and sometimes you’re unsure on what to do with them, here are a few tips:

1. Play them up with hair accessories! The great thing about bangs is that you can use a lot of accessories in it, such as a hair clip or two, a cute 80’s style headband, or some little ponytails. Wear hair accessories that complement the color of your hair and skin or makeup.

2. Cut them yourself. Who said you need to go to the salon every time you want to make a bit of change to your bangs? Whenever I feel like shortening or layering my bangs more, I grab a magazine or a picture of a celebrity whose haircut and bangs I want to copy. Then I stand up in front of the mirror with some comb and scissors and trim my own bangs. I could even fool my friends because they couldn’t believe I cut my hair myself when they see my new look. 😀 Nevertheless, if you’re feeling jittery about handling the scissors yourself, it may be best to leave the cutting to the experts.

3. Style them with creams. You can change the look of your bangs by playing with it using gel or creams. Pin it all to one side for a sideswept look, part them perfectly in the middle, or let them bounce straight in front of your forehead. The freedom is yours.

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Bleaching…hiding your hair

Bleaching leaves your hair intact and is quick and accessible. Bleaching is merely a process of hiding unwanted hair by lightening the color of the hair to a soft blonde hue. It is quite a popular method for hiding hair for many women. It does not remove hair. Bleaching is a simple do-it-yourself method of hiding unwanted hair temporarily.

How does Bleaching work?
When bleaching your hair the color of your hair is stripped, exposing your “natural” hair pigment. Bleaching can make moustache hair almost invisible. When bleaching keep in mind there is a color range for the final outcome after bleaching. The color can range from a rusty orange to a pale yellow. The final bleached color of your hair are determined by the quantity, type and distribution of color pigments inside the hair. Bleaching radically alters the original proportions of these pigments.

Bleach Kits
Bleaching can be done with oxidants such as hydrogen peroxide or commercial bleaching kits. Either one of these methods require products that may be purchased at your local food market or pharmacy. Before purchasing your product of choice, make sure you read the instructions on the outside of the packaging to be sure that the method you choose is easy to use and includes detailed instructions. Instructions will vary among manufacturers. Most bleach kids come with two essential components, the hair bleach mixture, which is often in cream form, and the activator mixture that is almost always in powder form.

How to Use Bleach
You’ll need a hair bleaching kit, a warm washcloth, tepid water, and a mirror.

1. Wash the part of the body to be bleached with a mild cleanser and pat area dry.
2. Prepare the bleach according to the instructions that came with the bleaching kit. After preparation bleach should appear like a white paste or cream.
3. Apply the bleach with the spatula that most kits come with, or you may even use a wooden spoon. Apply the thick layer of the paste to areas you are trying to cover.
4. Set a timer and leave bleach on for the shortest amount of time specified in the package directions. Wipe away a small part of the bleach after the estimated time described and see if hair is desired color.
5. If necessary reapply the bleach to the area you removed it from and let set for several more minutes.
6. Once hair is lightened as desired, remove bleach using a washcloth and tepid water, rinse area treated thoroughly.

The Best Areas to Bleach on Your Body
You can bleach facial or body hair every couple of weeks with virtually no pain or discomfort. Bleaching is best for body hairs that are dark and thin. Hairs that are thick and long are not suitable for bleaching because they look all the more prominent after bleaching. Bleaching hair on a skin that is too dark will result in the lightened hair ending up looking more conspicuous against the darker skin tone, so, bleaching is best for medium to fair skin tones with dark hair.

The best places to bleach unwanted hair on the body for men and women are:
• Face
• Neck
• Arms and Forearms
• Back
• Chest
• Legs
• Stomach

How Long Bleaching Lasts
Bleaching is effective for as long as the hair exists. In other words, it bleaches the hair, which is above the surface of the skin, therefore the color of the hair becomes much lighter with the peroxide product which is used. The hair cannot change color, it won’t go dark again; but as the hair grows, that part which is produced from the hair follicle, beneath the skin and gradually protrudes above the surface of the skin, that will be dark. You get your re-growth, of the bleached or the unbleached hair, in exactly the same way as you get re-growth on the hair of the head. Bleaching lasts as long as it takes for the hair to grow out. It may last for a couple of weeks or it may last for a month, depending on how much hair there is, and how quickly it grows.

The method for bleaching unwanted body hair is the same as the method for bleaching unwanted facial hair.

Pros and Cons of Bleaching Hair
1. Relatively inexpensive
2. No pain
3. Very convenient
4. Lasts as long as the bleached hair remains in its follicle, can be up to 16 weeks.

1. Repeated bleaching can raise the scales of the cuticle permanently and upset the moisture content.
2. Bleaching becomes more difficult since the ability of the hair to absorb fluids increases to a great extent. As a result, those hairs will be bleached badly and will assume uneven shades.
3. Repeated bleaching will make the hair brittle and weak with very little luster or shine.
4. Skin pigmentation may appear lighter then usual after bleaching process and remain for several days.
5. Itching sensation in bleached area may occur.
6. Very unpleasant odor

The Risks of Bleaching
1. If bleaching agent is left too long on skin, a redness may appear and remain for several days. Redness may feel like a sunburn.
2. Asthma, urticaria and syncope are reported as the side effects of the sulfate activator. Because of the fumes emitted.
3. Be sure to stay away from your eyes, as the fumes from bleach can be irritating and if you get bleaching agents in the eye it would be quite painful and may need medical attention.
4. Bleaching should not be done on sensitive body areas like the bikini area because of the risk of skin damage and irritation.
5. One should not bleach if the target area skin is broken, irritated, inflamed or infected or if there has been a previous skin reaction to bleaching.
6. Bleaching may not be the appropriate method for people having sensitive skin.

Bleaching Tips
1. DO NOT use bleaching agent if you think you are pregnant.
2. A skin patch test should be conducted before using bleaching agent. Allergic reactions may occur.
3. Never combine the two bleaching kit components until you are ready to begin bleaching.
4. Immediately discard any unused portion of the bleaching agent.
5. If NO redness, irritation or eruption occurs you can proceed with the fill application.

Hope this bleaching advice helps you in making a decision to remove your hair or not to remove your hair. Check out shaving, tweezing, waxing, sugaring, threading, depilatories, laser, IPL, shaving options available.

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Why are some people hair-ier than others?

There are two main types of hair on the human body: vellus hair and terminal hair.

Vellus Hair
Vellus hair is soft, fine strands of hair that cover your entire body, also known as “peach fuzz”. Most women, children and pre-teens have vellus hair on their chest, back and face. Vellus hair may appear more noticeable on women with darker skin tones.
The purpose of vellus hair is to regulate body temperature. When your body temperature drops, vellus hair tends to stand straight up on the skin, creating a barrier between what is making you cold and your skin’s surface.

Some people have more vellus hair on their bodies then others. This condition is called hypertrichosis. Hypertrichosis is common when the testosterone levels among women who are menopausal, or post menopausal rises, and the estrogen level decreases.

Hypertrichosis may also occur in people who are on certain medications containing testosterone, danazol, corticotrophin, (ACTH), metyrapone, anabolic steroids (testosterone, DHEA) and glucocorticoids such as prednisone. These medications may cause increased vellus hair and terminal hair growth (see below) as well as convert vellus hair into terminal hair.

Hypertrichosis is a common adverse effect of cyclosporin, a chemotherapy drug, and minoxidil and diazoxide used for the treatment of hypertension.

Terminal hair is considered developed hair. This type of hair is stronger, coarser, and darker then vellus hair. Terminal hair is typically found on your head, under your armpits, and in your pubic region. This type of hair may be very curly on some individuals.

During the onset of puberty, the sebaceous glands are highly active. This gland is located at the base of the hair follicle under the skins surface. During the onset of puberty this gland tends to be overactive. It plays a role in converting vellus hair into terminal hair. Sebaceous glands produce oil on the skin and hairs surface. Overactive sebaceous glands can create oily hair for many teens.

Many people want to get rid of the unwanted hair on their bodies and there are a variety of ways to do this:
“Do it yourself” methods include:
Depliatory Cream
Waxing or Sugaring
• Threading

“Do it yourself” or using a certified practitioner include:
• Waxing/Sugaring
• Threading

Methods requiring a licensed practitioner:
• Laser
• Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

Depilation lasting several hours to several days can be achieved by:
1. Shaving or trimming either using a manual or electric shavers
2. Friction by using a rough surface to buff away hair
3. Depilatories which can come as a cream or “shaving powders” that chemically dissolve hair

Epilation lasting several days to several weeks can be achieved by:
1. Tweezing, by pulling out each individual hair
2. Waxing, using either a hot or cold layer of wax applied and then removed with porous strips
3. Sugaring which is very similar to waxing, but with a sticky paste in place of wax
4. Threading, which is also called fatlah or khite, in which a twisted thread catches hairs as it’s rolled across the skin
5. Rotary epilators that are devices which rapidly grasp hairs and pull them out by the root

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Gossip Girl Fashion: Blair’s Headbands

Okay, you must be living under a rock if you haven’t heard about Gossip Girl until now. Gossip Girl is this fabulous and very popular teen drama show about the life of elite high school students from the upper east side of New York City. Most of these students come from wealthy families with influence and power beyond reach.

The show became an instant hit with its interesting story, setting, and characters like Serena and Blair. But it generated even more talk because of the cool getups and fashion sense of these young NYC characters. Today, we focus our sights on the spoiled, mean, yet endearing and always perfectly groomed Blair and her penchant for gorgeous and elegant headbands. Here are just some of the bands she’s donned that I lurrve.

Silver Turban

I think this is a very simple yet classy and elegant look of Blair. The headband seems to be almost of the same material as the sleeveless dress. Turban-style headbands have been a hit since last year and come in various forms, colors and materials. Thanks to Blair, the demand for these unique hair accessory continues to increase.

Red Bow

It used to be that big bow headbands are for young girls. Today, even teenagers and adults can be seen wearing it. I love the red and vibrant color of Blair’s headband here. I also like the way her hair was fixed – it all makes for one very chic schoolgirl look. If you want to copy this look, you can look for bow headbands in all sizes and colors at online fashion stores or boutiques. If you’re creative, you can even make one on your own which you can tailor to your particular taste.

Thin and Simple

In this scene, Blair dons an elegant yet simple styled headband without the frills. Her long gorgeous curls worn down are loud enough and needed no more accent.

Intricate Crown

The perfect hair accessory to cap off a a semi-formal to formal look. It has a dual purpose: it tucks the hair neatly while giving the whole look a royal feminine accent. I think this is my favorite headband of the four. What’s yours? 🙂

More Gossip Girl fashion in upcoming posts!

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Natural Hair Treatments

Want a hair treatment but too busy or too thrifty to go to the salon? Check out these classic natural hair treatments that may just transform your hair at no cost.

1. Vinegar

Vinegar is a great cure against dandruff and is an effective flake remover. Just put a moderate amount in your scalp, massage slowly, and then wash thoroughly. Vinegar is also a great rinse for too oily or greasy hair as it can close the hair cuticles and get rid of excessive oil to make the hair shiny and manageable.

2. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is another great dandruff rinse and treatment for oily hair because of its properties similar to the vinegar.

3. Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil is perfect for dry hair. To use it, massage from your scalp to your hair tips and then leave in for about an hour. After an hour or so rinse thoroughly.

4. Espresso Coffee

Getting premature or right on time but unwanted gray hair? Rinse with strong espresso coffee to cover any sign or aging.

5. Coconut Milk

Coconut milk is a good treatment if you want instant smooth and shiny hair. Just apply on the scalp, massage gently, and then rinse after a few minutes. Usually the coconut milk treatment is perfect for 2-3 times a month.

6. Egg and Milk

Mix a beaten egg with milk until the mixture becomes one bubbly foam. Rub into your scalp, leave on for five minutes, and then rinse intensively to make sure no mixture is left in your scalp. The egg and milk formula is an excellent treatment for dry hair.

7. Classic Hot Oil

Many salons offer expensive hot oil treatments but the truth is you can have your very own inexpensive hot oil treatment of the same quality at the comfort of your home. The usual method is to apply heated oil on your scalp and hair and then cover your head with a plastic bag, towel, or any head wrap. Leave on for 20-30 minutes then rinse. Just be careful of the temperature of your heated oil and make sure it’s not too cool or too hot.

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How to Maintain Healthy and Flowing Hair

Want to have healthy and shiny locks for years to come? Lots of entries on hair tips have been posted in this site but when it comes to our tresses, we can never get too many beautifying and protection tips. Check out more of these through the following guides to healthy hair I have acquired from experts on the net.

1. Protect your hair against sunlight and pollution.

The sun and pollution are two of the main enemies of our hair. Ultra violet rays dry and discolor our hair while pollution takes away the sheen of our locks. Since the sun today is especially more harmful, always wear a hat or a cap when you know you’re going to be exposed to it. You can also wear a bandanna or other hair clothes that are both protective and stylish. In addition, you can apply natural hair sun screen formulas before getting out in the sun.

2. Choose a natural-bristle brush.

Avoid using cheap plastic brushes or combs because these have seams that tear or split apart hair, especially if your hair is thin and fine. Use a soft boar bristle brush or natural bone or wood combs to avoid damage.

3. Brush properly.

Brushing allows us to stimulate our scalps and spread our natural hair oils from the root to tip of every strand. If your hair has a lot of knots and snarls, try to pull them apart first with your fingers before using a comb to brush from the bottom and slowly working your way up. Remember to keep your brush clean and wash it at least once a week with baking soda or your shampoo to get rid of bacteria that may have accumulated.

4. Towel gently after washing hair.

After showering, don’t rush and comb your hair. Take time to towel your hair properly, blotting it bit by bit to get the water out. Be careful not to pull hair or squeeze with the towel too tightly because wet hair is very fragile and can easily break.

5. Shampoo immediately after swimming.

If you just went for a dip in the pool or a swim in the beach, don’t forget to rinse and shampoo immediately to get rid of chlorine and salts that can damage your hair if it sticks to it for too long.

6. Do not shampoo every day.

Unless you are exposed daily to high city pollution, do not shampoo your hair every day as this can cause your glands to be hyperactive or may quickly dry your hair. Allow your hair to release its natural oils by shampooing every other day. If you are treating your hair for certain problems like dandruff, then it would be alright to everyday with your dandruff shampoo upon instruction. If you are constantly exposed to dirt and pollution and have no choice but to shampoo every day, use milder and natural-based shampoos that won’t dry up your hair.

7. Take vitamin and mineral supplements.

Deficiency in some vitamins and minerals often reflects on our hair and makes it look unhealthy and unattractive. If you are deficient of some nutrients, you might want to take supplements to boost your health and keep your hair glowing and healthy as well.

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Eating your way to healthier hair

Just like eating healthy helps make your skin more radiant and healthier, eating healthy also helps make your hair look awesome! Hair follicles rely on nourishment from your blood supply to maintain hair health. If you change your diet to make your hair healthier, do not expect to see a radical change for about 3 months. It takes that long for your hair to grow. So if you were to shave your entire head today, don’t expect to see any real hair growth for 3 months!

When your body is lacking in nutrients, your hair will suffer. Your hair will grow slower ad become dry. Nutrients are important in diet for many reasons. Beating this is simple, you can eat a well balanced diet rich in fruit and vegetables, with a minimum of two servings of protein a day and whole grain carbohydrates. As long as your hair is being fed your hair should grow on average a half inch per month, the hair will appear shinier, healthier, stronger and thicker.

The interesting thing I recently found out is that no amount of vitamins you can take orally will repair chemically damaged hair or split ends. What you eat will help you with certain types of hair conditions.

Oily Hair – Oily hair, if not genetic, is from the spices in your food. Any foods that cause the skin to sweat will also cause your scalp to sweat and increase the oils in your hair. Avoid eating spicy foods.

Dull Hair – Chemical processes cause hair to appear dull and lifeless as well as lack of protein in the diet. Bleaching, a common chemical practice for women will cause hair to appear dull. Bleaching is the harshest form of chemical treatment you can do to your hair. It breaks the hair cuticle and impedes the ability for light to reflect off the hair. The second reason hair may appear dull is the lack of protein in the diet. If you eat a gram of healthy protein per pound of body weight a day, your hair will become healthier and shinier. Healthy protein being lean meat, fish, dairy, poultry, nuts seeds or legumes.

Dry Hair – Dry hair is a key sign of a deficient amount of Essential Fatty Acids in your diet. If your hair is frizzy or fly away is a sure indicator of this problem. Eating fruits, nuts, seeds and oily fish like mackeral or salmon help this issue. These foods mentioned above also provide the body with much needed protein that allows hair to be healthy and shiny.

Slow Growing Hair – If this is your problem then you need more B Vitamins. B Vitamins provide the body with energy and are greatly needed for hair growth. If you are fatigued, lethargic, low energy chances are your hair grows slower the you’d like it too. Eating little and often will help keep energy levels up, and you may even lose some weight to top it off. Biotin also helps create thicker, faster growing hair. Eating more eggs, fish, milk, nuts and legumes help this problem.

Thinning Hair – Typically people with this issue are suffering from an iron deficiency. Make sure you are getting 14.8mg of iron a day, whether its by a vitamin supplement (which you should be taking anyway) or through the foods you eat. Lean red meat, dark green leafy veggies help gain more iron in your body. If you are taking vitamins, make sure you are not taking too much Vitamin A. To much Vitamin A causes hair loss and can become toxic in your body. The first sign of toxicity with this vitamin is hair loss.

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Eat your way to Healthier Hair!

image How many times have you been lurking through the hair aisles looking for a miracle shampoo or conditioner to make your hair healthy and beautiful. A lot, for me. You are slowly chanting the hair mantra “Wash, Rinse, Repeat”, in an effort to somehow magically have this time you step out the shower your hair will flow beautifully as you toss your head. Only to reveal the same old breakage, damage, and no life hairCrying. Maybe it’s not what you put on hair but what you put in your body. Interesting, I know….I HAD to know more.

Surprisingly enough, there are 10 foods you can eat to gain healthy beautiful hair.

  • Salmon
  • Beans
  • Poultry
  • Eggs
  • Oysters – they have loads of zinc in them
  • Whole Grains
  • Low-Fat Dairy
  • Nuts – brazil nuts and walnuts are the best for hair
  • Carrots – vitamin A promotes a healthy scalp
  • Dark Green Veggies- helps produce sebum, the oily substance secreted by your hair follicles

Now don’t expect to eat correctly and turn your thin fine hair into locks equaling Angelina Joliet. It ain’t happening. But you can get them looking the best they ever have. A healthier diet for healthier hair, should have been common sense. Why didn’t I know this?

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