Vitamin D and The Sun

We all know about the risks of sun exposure, especially in today’s times. Many people have started changing their habits, avoiding direct sunlight whenever possible, and wearing a lot of sunscreen. While the risks of sunlight are eminent, sunlight also provides something we all need: Vitamin D. In fact, experts say most people meet their vitamin D needs through exposure to sunlight. Ultraviolet (UV) B radiation penetrates uncovered skin and converts cutaneous 7-dehydrocholesterol to previtamin D3, which in turn becomes vitamin D3.

If you’ve totally reduced your sunlight exposure because of skin hazards, beware because the trade off may be Vitamin D deficiency which can result to a lot of ailments such as osteomalacia, bone diseases, and skeletal deformities. Studies show that homebound people, people often covered for religious reasons, etc are often lacking in Vitamin D. The good news is you can obtain Vitamin D from supplements and a few food sources like fish liver oil.

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Moisturizing Facial Tablets from Lush

Solid tablets of vitamin rich essential oils and hydrating fluids – that is Toner Tabs, the new and unique line of moisturizers from Lush. These tablets are free of preservatives and are designed to truly hydrate and revitalize the skin. Among the products in the line are the T Tree Toner Tab best for teenage and troubled skin, Vitamin C Toner Tab best for maturing skin, and the Vitamin E Toner Tab that balances and refreshes all skin types.

To use, all you have to do is drop a tablet in a bowl of hot water and then drape a towel over your head. Then you let the steam hydrate and revive your face.

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Do Your Feet Stink?

Have you tried various over the counter foot deodorant products to no avail? Here are four easy home products you can use or apply before you go out which may just do the trick and take off that nasty smell.

1. Wet Tea Bags. Put two black tea bags in a bowl of water and then dip your feet into the solution. You can also put some vinegar into the mixture. Do this for 20-30 minutes several times in a week.

2. Anti-bacterial Soap. Always use anti-bacterial soap when washing your feet to kill any bacteria that may be causing the smell.

3. Baby Powder. Dusting your feet especially the toe area with baby powder before slipping them into shoes can minimize sweating and at the same time dilute some of the odor.

4. Deodorizing Insoles. Remember to change the insoles of your shoes when they get old and wear deodorizing insoles only.

Care to share your own foot deodorizing methods?

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Open Secrets To Young-Looking Skin

There are lots of ways to defy skin aging, such as purchasing expensive creams, getting surgical treatments, and more. But do you know that just sticking religiously to the basics can help you have younger looking skin for a much longer time? Here’s a reminder again of some of the bare necessities to achieve young looking skin.

1. Wear sunscreen! Health professionals, skin experts, beauty bloggers can’s stress it enough: these days, it’s not healthy anymore to go out without wearing sunscreen. So make sure you slather some SPF 15 on your face before heading out.

2. Lessen exposure to the sun. Unless it’s absolutely necessary, avoid direct exposure to sunlight. They say that if you want to look ten years older in no time at all, just expose yourself to sunlight for hours on end. Of course you wouldn’t want that.

3. Don’t smoke or stay near smoking people. Smoke totally dehydrates skin, sucking out the moisture and youthfulness of the skin.

4. Get regular sleep. Sleep deficiency will make your skin look stressed and tired all the time.

5. Eat a lot of fruits and nutritious food! The more healthy, antioxidant-loaded, and nutrient-filled you are, the more glowing your skin will be. Remember that what you take in (or not take in) will always reflect on how you look.

Image from this site.

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Chapped Lips?

Lots of factors can cause chapped lips – the air, sun, humidity, decrease in water content, and more. If you constantly have a problem with chapped lips, check out some of the following tips to make sure your lips are always smooth and refreshed.

1. Apply lip balm. Of course, this is the number one method to avoid chapped lips. However, many people still forget to constantly apply lip balm. You can also use petroleum jelly.

2. Drink a lot of water. This increases moisture in the tissues and prevents lip drying. As much as possible drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

3. Avoid caffeine. Caffeine is one of the fastest ways to dehydrate, so better cut down if you’re a caffeine addict or switch to low-caffeine or decaf options.

4. Eat foods with lots of vitamins and nutrients. Chapped lips can signal nutritional deficiency. So make sure you aren’t lacking in all the important vitamins like calcium and magnesium.

How do you prevent chapped lips?

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5 Tips on Insect Bites and Stings

Headed for a trip outdoors and scared of possible bug bites or stings? Before you go out, here are some pointers on how to avoid or deal in case those nasty insects attack.

1. First and foremost, make sure you are wearing long pants and sleeves tucked into your socks and shoes for added coverage. Small ticks are especially tricky and can get to your skin easily, so make sure you got as less exposed skin as possible. If a tick does penetrate your skin, remove it carefully with a tweezer and then put it in a jar of alcohol to kill it.

2. If you’re allergic to bee stings, don’t go out without your bee kit. Bee kits usually contain a shot of epinephrine that is essential if a bee stings you.

3. No matter how itchy it is, don’t scratch a mosquito bite because it can get infected or bleed.

4. If you’re stung by a bee, wash the area with soap and water and apply ice to the sting. It will also be best if you have an antihistamine, hydrocortisone cream, or calamine lotion in handy to take away the itch.

5. If any type of insect stings you and you feel slightly out of breath or dizzy, don’t wait to rush to someone right away or go to an emergency station because the allergic reaction could be serious.

Care to share your tips on insect attacks?

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Clinique’s M Cover for Men

Gone are the days when only women care excessively for their faces. These days, men use almost as much facial products as women (although they don’t necessarily like to talk about it! :D)

If you’re a guy who likes to use concealer to hide blemishes or pimples that you are currently treating, here’s one product you might want to try out: Clinique’s M Cover. Created specifically for men’s skin, the M Cover blends well in the face and looks perfectly natural. It doesn’t dry out easily as well.

If you’re a woman and you’ve got a husband or partner who’s constantly worried about certain elements on his face, you might want to help him out by surprising him with this concealer. It can cover dark circles, shaving nicks, and more. Aside from concealing, the product is also equipped with moisturizing and soothing ingredients that can heal or soothe the face.

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Having the body you want!

There are no substitutes for eating healthy and regular exercise, but experts say that your attitude can make a huge difference to your weight loss success. We’re talking about cutting out the “mental fat”—the negative thoughts keeping us from shedding the physical fat. Just as losing weight won’t happen overnight, improving your thought process will also take time. Be patient with yourself and work at it a little at a time.

It’s easy to make excuses for not losing weight but changing our own thinking will help us lose weight faster an easier. It is all in the mind.

Visualize yourself thin. Imagine how you’ll look 6 to 12 months down the line. If you have old pictures of your thinner self, dig them out and put them up in a prominent place (like the refrigerator or on a bulletin board in your office). Remember how you felt back then. What habits did you have then that allowed you to be healthier? See if you can incorporate your better habits from the past back into your lifestyle now. Remember to see yourself in a positive light. Having a positive attitude and being happy with yourself will be helpful in achieving your health goals.

Make a list. List specific reasons why you want to lose weight. Perhaps you want to be more attractive to a certain someone, maybe you want to be able to fit into your old clothes again, or maybe you’d just like to have more energy. Whatever your personal reasons, great or small, write them all down on an index card. Look at your list every morning and carry it around in your wallet or purse. On the back of the card, write down motivating phrases to give yourself encouragement.

Think about activities you wish you could do that you can’t do because of your weight. If you can, cut out a picture of that activity from a magazine and hang it near your desk (or somewhere else that’s visible), so that you’ll have something to look forward to.

Identify self-sabotaging thoughts. Pay attention to your negative thoughts. We all have them. They may be something like “This is too difficult,” “I’ll never be able to lose this much weight,” or “I’m too tired.” You can’t stop them from entering your head but you can learn to respond to them constructively.

Don’t be overly critical of yourself—focusing on your negative aspects while minimizing your positive ones. Just because you feel or believe something doesn’t actually make it true. Of course, there are no wrong or bad emotions, but identifying why something makes you feel bad can help prevent those situations in the future. If you get in the habit of identifying your self-sabotaging thoughts, you can nip them in the bud before they blow up into an ugly depression.

Distract yourself from cravings. Create a list of things you can do to distract yourself from tempting food. Perhaps you can read a book, flip through a magazine, or play a video game. The next time a craving comes up, do one or two things on your list. You may have to do more, but eventually the craving will pass. Cravings will pass 100 percent of the time.

Create small goals for yourself. Write down a list of tiny things you can do to improve your lifestyle. We all know that it’s difficult to make huge changes to our lifestyles. So try accomplishing smaller goals. Try doing some of the activities listed below.

Take a 30-minute walk in the afternoon.
Eat one more serving of fruits or vegetables today.
Forgo that soda or glass of wine and just have a tall glass of ice water.
Order a side salad instead of those french fries.

Replace old habits with new ones. It’s easier to replace an old habit with a new habit than it is to break an old one altogether. For instance, if you have a sandwich every day for lunch, choose low-fat turkey on wheat and skip the mayonnaise. Have plain or sparkling water instead of a regular sugared or diet soda. If you like to have an afternoon snack, grab an apple or a handful of your favorite nuts instead of a candy bar. There are so many ways you can replace even entrenched bad habits with healthier good ones. Be creative and have fun with it.

Keep a journal. Get a little notebook and keep a log of your weight. This way you can determine what is and isn’t working and track the progress you make. Also, write down what you eat. Keeping track of the foods you eat will help show patterns. You may not have realized that you eat ice cream right out of the freezer every night after dinner, but your journal will keep you honest. Just knowing that you’re going to write down what you’ve been eating may keep you from reaching for that extra serving of mashed potatoes.

Plan for the future. Every night before you go to bed, plan for the next day. Whether it be scheduling exercise in your calendar or prepacking healthy snacks (like fresh fruit, cut veggies, or low-fat popcorn), get ready for tomorrow.

This also applies to grocery shopping. Make a list before you go grocery shopping that includes fresh fruits and vegetables you like. Replace calorie-heavy, fatty foods like chips and cookies with baked crackers or dried fruit.

Armed with a plan and tools to help you maintain that plan, you’ll have an easier time meeting your goals.

Be nice to yourself. When you’ve been good, do something nice for yourself. Reward yourself with something you enjoy (but not with food rewards, of course!). Perhaps you can enjoy a trip to a movie theatre, buy yourself a new book, or go for a foot massage.

For instance, if you walked up the stairs to work this morning, treat yourself to a bit of Internet surfing or an online game before tackling your job. If you’ve lost 5 pounds, reward yourself with a new haircut. Whatever you do, give yourself rewards proportional to the goals you accomplish.

Surround yourself with support. We all need emotional support, especially when times get tough. Find friends and family to help you. You may even be able to find a diet buddy or join a support group Many studies show that having a healthy social network is better for your overall health. Dieters who have friends and family pulling for them achieve better success than those who try to go it alone.

So pick up the phone, call a friend, and flex those mental muscles.

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Talika Eye Dream

Long nights and lack of sleep getting you down? Are your eyes looking more and more dark and droopy with too much stress and work? Why not try giving those naturally gorgeous peepers an overhaul with a great eye cream that rejuvenates them back to their natural brightness and perkiness?

Talika’s Eye Dream promises to do that and more. With its moisturizing qualities, botanical ingredients, and peptide powers, the mask’s main purpose is to liven up your eyes overnight when you apply it before sleep, making sure you wake up to gorgeous eyes that will show no clue of how hardworking or stressed out you are. 😀 Only more proof of how radiant you can naturally be.

Image from this site.

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Bliss FatGirlSleep

Having some problems with cellulite lately? Scared of wearing a bikini this season because of some unwanted stuff down there? Here’s one new product you can try to diminish those irritating pimples on the thighs: Bliss’ FatGirlSleep. It’s an anti-cellulite cream best to apply before sleep so that it will work overnight against the cellulites. In addition, FatGirlSleep is said to have an ultra-rich formula and a soothing buttery lavender scent that helps you have a more relaxing sleep. Thus, it works two-way.

There have been both positive and not so positive reviews on this product, with some saying that it’s one of the best anti-cellulite cream they’ve used, while some claiming it to have no effects. If you have tried this product, do share your experience so everyone can know. 🙂

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